Starvation as a weapon of war.

Most of us know the story of Anne Frank. But have you seen this Palestinian girl’s story? 

Please watch it here.

One of the most egregious forms of food injustice is the use starvation as a weapon of war. Throughout history, conquerors and colonialists have used this tactic. In the 1800s, the U.S. government encouraged the slaughter of buffalo in order to starve Native Americans off from from their lands. In Nazi Germany, Hitler used it against Germany’s Jewish citizens. In 2018, the use of starvation as a weapon of war was outlawed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 2417. But today, this weapon is being used against the infants, children, adults, and elders in Gaza.

Contact your senator and representative and ask them to vote for not only a ceasefire, but also aid and restoration of the supply chain in occupied Palestine.